Index Of Not For Jpg Is A Selection Index Of 215 A Good PSAT Score For A Junior In California?

Is a selection index of 215 a good PSAT score for a junior in California? - index of not for jpg

I just changed my PSAT today - my entire range is 215 in the 99th Percentiles.

(Critical Reading - 70 Math - 69 Writing Skills - 76)

As a junior in California has not taken, SAT, PSAT, based on my own thinking, you, I have a reasonable opportunity to be ordered at least half a national merit finalist? Who knows what the selection index in the last few years?

Thank you for your help!


notherea... said...

CA cut
1999: 215
2001: 215
2004: 216
2005: 216
2006: 217
2007: 219

Congratulations on your wonderful score, but his score is a little shy. I wish you all the best.

pual mazur said...

They have a good score, but there is much room for improvement. From my experience the best books of the Princeton Review Preparation Guide, and the new SAT guide tutorfox. Used together, I increased my guests to sit almost 200 points. Good luck and please let me know if you have further questions.


theda said...

Even if you are not elected to the National Merit, which is always a very good result achieved - and you should be able to get more on the SA, if you (a lot of practice probably until the year 2200 and unless the test) has a negative effect.

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