Radials At Vertical Antennas Cophasing 5/8 Vertical Antennas?

Cophasing 5/8 vertical antennas? - radials at vertical antennas

I would like 2-phase. 5 / 8 vertical antenna 27-28; Meg, they are about 40 feet above the ground, spacing 1 / 2? Wave "fed? Or 1 / 4 wave? And on the stage, or 75 ohms? Page .." or endfire? switchable.as or the flat top of the mast is made of metal, with a counterweight. Wait ie "1 / 4 wave radial? I could, I believe, the vertical element's direct or do I need a coil in each series..? Game could be made with coaxial cable .. I like to go into details, but my handwriting is so slow, or 1 finger.hope thanks for an answer


Anonymous said...

This page should do it.
http://signalengineering.com/ultimate/co ...

Some time ago I had planned a series of vertical page 8, the last fire.
I lived on a farm at the time and had plenty of space, but then went .--- :-(


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